Weeee! Robbie had promised to take me to Penguin Island located in Rockingham when I came back! It's not as far as I thought it would be, bit less than an hour to get there! So excited!
This is the ferry leaving the jetty.
And after this pic, MY STUPID CAMERA RAN OUTTA SPACE!!! and i can't delete anything because my stupid camera lost some of it's button functionality!!!
i did take a short vid though hehe..
After the penguin show, we went walking on the walk boards, and it sorta reminded me of christmas island, lily beach walk boards! or something and the waves crashing against the island. We saw some penguins hiding under the board walk OMG I SO WANTED TO CATCH THEM AND BRING THEM HOME, but yeah you're not meant to :<. Saw a whole bunch of pelicans nesting and apparently there is sea lions but didn't get to see them. I did see a lizard though, crawling towards this asian lady that was lying on a mat and she freaked and got her shoe and started slappin the grass to scare the lizard away. People just watched hehe. including me. anyhoos, we wanted to go kayaking so we decided to go back, this time by walking!!! OMG it's quite far Lol.. and rob was holding a backpack with our electronic stuff and at one stage he had to put it on his head. We managed to get back and then bought a hot dog. It was yum! and then when we asked for kayaks, IT WAS CLOSED :<:<. The winds were up so they didn't hire the kayak s out anymore.
On the way back, rob went past the rockingham beach and then we wanted to check out the kwinana beach which we went past on the way to penguin island. It didn't look like it was very swimmable so we went all the way to cottosloe! Jumped in for a few but the waves were getting bigger and i got scared and left rob in there! ahah.. then went to harbour town and refrained myself from buying anything!!SAW THIS SUPER COOL VEST THAT I WANTED WITH A FURRY HOOD! ITS HELL AWESOME but its price tag was not so cool....339...BAHhh! Other than that..
Was a lovely lovely day :)
the penguins look sooo cute!! I WANT ONE!!! :D:D:D
AwwWWWwW u 2 look as cute as the penguins! kekeke *pinches cheeks* looks so much fun!!! X)
SO THERE IS a penguin island with real penguins!!
(we were deliberating on this at one point in SG)
ahaha yess we were talking abt this..at maccas haha!! I want to go!
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