Coloursplash Lomo Camera
Robbie bought me a coloursplash lomo today! How exciting! I haven't used a film camera for years! I'll get to wind up my film when it finishes! Basically it comes with a colourwheel with different coloured filters which you can use to paint your picture a different colour! It has a normal exposure as well as a long exposure option to create a blurred background with a sharp foreground.
OMG!!! LOMO!!! I HEART IT!!! XD i was researching on a few! lemme noe how the film turns out!!! might go buy one if it turns out good for u!!! XD LUV UUUUUU!!! all the best for exams baybeh!!! XoXo
aww good for you for getting a lomo! i'm still on my first film for my coloursplash. do show us your photos when you're done with yours! :)
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