
Sunday, March 25, 2007

Fel's 19th celebration

weee! me and the b'day girl!

we had a lil' bbq at heathcote with just a couple of friends. The weather was rather beautiful and the place was crawling with little kids. Pretty much just lazed around the whole day ..very relaxing =]

Cool as cubby house! wish i had one when i was a kid

This slide was fun!

After a very yummy hot dog with the very popular "mustard" being passed around, and a few satay chicken and beef and jelly and cupcakes and weifs beautiful choc cookies..(OH AND POTATO SALAD) (did i miss anything..)
we played around in the cubby house for a little while..feelin rather old when all these creatures a third of our size (maybe half of mine) ran around the place.

The girls cooking up a storm.

we decided to take a walk on the sand.. well we found a spot to sit anyways...

Random person's dog came and sat and played with us. (weif is so hot!)

Ahhh this adorable cockerspaniel came when his owner was on the mobile phone and we all patted its head and took pictures of it haha.

And me giving a big smile for the camera!

weee! mmyeshh then headed home ...end of daylight saving weee! t'was a good day!



Jia said...

Big smile, and even bigger sunnies!!

The weather looked gorgeous!

Yeh, and Wei Fuong is hot.

Robbbbb said...

weeeeeeee looks like fun!
Love u

kahsean said...

gotta love the weather! sunnies! smiles!

hm said...

greeatt pics =D